Prior to booking, please note: All booking is based on artist’s availability. It is best if you have an idea or reference in mind, know where your tattoo or piercing is going, and what days & times work for you.
Be a Walk-in
- Walk in the shop, with reference or concrete idea, ask if there is an available artist to tattoo at the moment. Be open to waiting or possibly being scheduled for another day.
Call the Shop
- Prior to coming in, call the shop at 714-921-8282, and ask if there is availability for that day or if there is availability for a specific artist or for a future date.
Send an Email
- Send an email to with a description of what you would like to get done. Include size, style, colors, location, etc.
- While we do check our email daily, we recommend using another way to book.
Social Media
- The Shop - Instagram: @originalgoodfellastattoo
- Noemi - @noemitattoos
- Grim - @grimtattoos
- Milo - @tattoosby_milo
- Liz - @lizzyinthefuture
- Anthony - @inktelligent
- Artemis - @artemis.xii
- Dan - @thedonstache
- Facebook - /goodfellastatt2
Contact Artists Directly
- Artist’s personal information will be disclosed based on artist’s discretion.